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Spa Tour

  • Spa Tour
  • Loket
  • Museum
  • Mariásnké Lázně

Spa Triangle

Czech Republic

7-days / 6 nights - 5 biking days
Guided group tour or Self-guided individual tour
Length 270 km / 160 miles

Self Guided
Guided Group
Touring Bike
Road Bike

This tour is different compared to most of our tours as in each of the towns you will spend two nights. This way every other day you can decide, whether you would go biking or enjoy the relaxed atmosphere of Unesco World Heritage Great Spa Towns of Europe (with a possible spa treatment?

Come with us to a land of healing springs, a land of a long and rich history, a land of breath-taking nature and openhearted people. Join this bike tour and enjoy the incomparable atmosphere of the Czech spa towns. Explore the forests and tales of the Ohre river and Slavkov natural preserve.

Discover the dramatic story of the St. Maura reliquary in Becov nad Teplou and enjoy the historical town of Cheb with its unique merchant houses surrounding the square and the imperial castle chapel. Of course, we will have time and space to try the healing springs in all the fairytale spa towns.

Travel dates

01.04.2025 - 30.10.2025

A self Guided tour can start any day from 1st April till 31st October

22.06.2025 - 28.06.2025
17.08.2025 - 23.08.2025


Day 1 - Karlovy Vary (Carlsbad)

Arrival to the town of Karlovy Vary, founded by the holy roman emperor and Czech king Charles IV. Already in the14th century. Nowadays it is the biggest spa in the Czech Republic visited by many celebrities from all over the world. It is also known for the Karlovy Vary International Film Festival, held there every year. Karlovy Vary is one of the most popular tourist destinations in Czechia.

Known for having 12 healing springs or better to say 13 – the last is the famous local Becherovka herbal liqueur. Also known for its china and promenade of beautiful architecture and luxury shops. If shopping is not your cup of tea, you can spend a day with great hiking starting right next to the promenade.

On request we offer a transfer from Prague (130 km) by car or van. This transfer is free of charge for fully guided trips and tours with luggage!

Day 2 - Karlovy Vary UNESCO loop

Distance: 30-70 km / 19-44 Miles
In the morning you will take a local train for a short ride all the way up to the Krušné Hory/Ore mountains. This old mining/mountaineering area is now under UNESCO world heritage protection thanks to all the mining and mining-related history starting from the to 16th-century silver mines all the way to 20th-century uranium mines. All this is situated in the great scenery of the Ore mountains and its foothills.

On the way back to Karlovy Vary, mostly downhill , you will bike by Mauriciius silver mine, Jáchymov town - in the time of silver rush second largest town of the Czech kingdom, in the 20th century known for luxury radium healing spring&Spa. If you are interested in 20th-century history , still in Jáchymov you should not miss in its time highly valued uranium mines and connected labor camps for communistic political prisoners. Nearby Ostrov town is known for its wonderful chateau and French-style chateau park but also for so-called SoReLa – socialistic realism architecture – one of the best examples in the Czech Republic. You will end your day back in Karlovy Vary.

As we stay in Carlsbad for 2 nights, in case of bad weather we have an alternative shorter bike ride or you can simply enjoy spa treatments all day in Karlovy Vary!

Day 3 - Along Ohře river to Františkovy Lázně

Distance: 62 Km/ 38 Miles

We'll start from Karlovy Vary and bike through the amazingly beautiful Ohre river valley nature. Our day leads us along a newly built cycling trail through the Slavkov Forest nature preserve and the stunning Svatosske Skaly rock formations. Following the river we arrive in Loket with its stunning 14th-century castle. The next stop is the town Sokolov with a nice chateau and town centre originating in the 13th century. Refreshments abound along the route, but the Kynsperk brewery or the coffee Mostov's small chateau are highlights. Today's last stop and our overnight stay is the spa town of Frantiskovy Lazne (Franzesbad), a 19th-century spa town built by the emperor Franz I. This regal town still maintains the atmosphere of the golden age of spas. Immerse yourself and enjoy the waters after a long biking day!

Day 4 - Frantiskovy Lazne Spa and Iron Curtain trails loop

Distance: 15 – 60 Km / 10-37 Miles
Today's program is quite flexible as we stay here for 2 nights, so those more interested in the spa can relax the whole day and enjoy the treatments!

For those who decide for a bike treatment, we can recommend loops up to 70 Km. For centuries this area stood as the border between the Holy Roman Empire and the Czech kingdom. Thanks to this fact, our day's ride will be full of castles, fortresses, and chateaux, many accurately restored so the whole trip looks like a journey through "Old Europe“ - which it is! Part of the day will also trace the borders of the Iron Curtain, a reminder of the Cold War. Should you desire, a short trip to Germany reveals the recently restored Hohenberg castle, where the German people expelled from Czechoslovakia after World War II have their cultural centre.

Day 5 - Frantiskovy Lazne - Marianske Lazne

Distance: 50 Km / 31 Miles

Just a couple of kilometres from Frantiskovy Lazne we reach the town of Cheb. For centuries this town was the gate between the Holy Roman Empire and the Czech kingdom. This beautiful town is without doubt the most "German" place in the Czech Republic, highlighted by the 13th-century merchant house, "Špalíček," and the imperial castle, unique in the Czech Republic. It was the favorite residency of the emperor Friedrich Barbarossa and contains a striking Romanesque chapel. From Cheb we bike on car-free roads through small villages that attest to the centuries-old influence of the German people. On the way we visit a Marian Loretto pilgrimage church and a chateau in Stary Hroznatov. The last stop on the way is the opulent chateau Kynzvart, built by Counselor Clemmens Metternich in the 19th-century as his representative seat. Today its architecture makes an elegant café stop. Just a few kilometers on, we reach our final stop of the day – the spa town of Marianske Lazne. Take time to soak those muscles in the spas' healing waters.

Day 6 - Marianske Lazne - Bečov nad Teplou - Mariánské Lázně

Distance: 55 Km / 34 Miles

In the morning we have to climb a hill, or we can take the ski lift! Once on top, we bike along small roads to the Tepla monastery dating back to the 12th century. We can admire the monastery church and particularly the library with some 80 000 books from all eras. From here on we bike through the mild forests and meadows of the Slavkovsky Forest area to the town of Becov nad Teplou, its chateau the hiding place of the famous St. Maura reliquiary. It is one of the most important and valuable historical items of the country and of all Middle Ages Europe! From Becov we can either take a train to Mariánské Lázně, or bike the remaining distance back.

Day 7 - Mariánské Lázně

Breakfast and check-out unless you prolong your stay.

It is possible to arrange a transfer to Prague.

Tour price list

Tour TypeAccommodation CategoryRoom typePrice per person
Guidedstandarddouble room1.345€
Guidedstandardsingle room1.555 €
Self guidedstandarddouble room745 €
Self guidedstandardsingle room955 €
Self guidedpremiumdouble room985 €
Self guidedpremiumsingle room1.210 €


What is included in the price

  • Pick up from any Prague hotel or from Prague Airport on the first day of the tour (Self Guided option)
  • Pick-up from AVE Prague hotel on the first day of the tour at an appointed time (Guided Group option)
  • 6 x accommodation in selected hotels and pensions according to chosen accommodation category
  • Buffet breakfast on all days
  • 3 x dinners (Guided Group option)
  • Refreshments in the supporting vehicle (soft drinks, snacks, sweets, fruit) (Guided Group option)
  • Detailed town maps (per room)
  • Detailed cycling maps (per room)
  • Programme and English route book (per room)
  • Transportation of participants, their luggage and bicycles from Prague to the starting point of the bike route and from the end of the route to Prague (according to the program of the tour)
  • Transportation of luggage between hotels
  • ON/Off-line map and GPX files of the recommended route
  • 24 hour hotline assistance service
  • Specialized AVE bicycle tour leader during all biking days (Guided Group option)
  • Practical bike ride safety training (Guided Group option)
  • Technical service on the route (Guided Group option)
  • First aid - health service on the route (Guided Group option)
  • Support minibus (Guided Group option)
  • Water for bike flasks from the support vehicle (Guided Group option)

Additional charge

  • Local tax payable on the spot (approx. € 1 - 2 per person/night). We recommend having small cash for these fees in local currency or Euros.


  • GPS device for 15 Euro per tour. Only if in stock. Has to be ordered in advance.

Bike rental price list

Touring BikeE-BIKERoad/Gravel BikeOwn Bike
Bike typeCROSSBIKE Leader FoxAgogs (unisex)Specialized / TREK
Price per tour105 €210 €140 €30 €
100% water-proof rear pannierINCLUDEDINCLUDEDINCLUDED
New cycling water bottleOn request - free of chargOn request - free of chargOn request - free of charg5 €
New helmet for a sale35 €35 €35 €35 €


Spa TourAgogsLeader Fox4Eve Comfort sport 2023


Spa Tour

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AVE Travel - bicycle tours
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