AVE Bike Tours    St. John under the Cliff

St. John under the Cliff

picture Self guided individual tour
Length 40 km or 70 km (25 miles or 42 miles)
Grade of difficulty: moderate

On this one-day tour you will discover several natural wonders, which are in sharp contrast to the city of Prague. Together with the nature preserve of Prokopske Udoli, you will view the tall cliff close to the little village of Svaty Jan pod Skalou. (Saint John under the Cliff), with its abundance of natural scenery and historical landmarks. The cycling part of the tour ends at the bank Berounka river.

You have three options on how to finish the tour:

  • take the train (with bicycles) back to Prague from Srbsko village.
  • leave the bicycles at Karlstejn village where is famous Karlstejn Castle and take a train back to Prague
  • cycle along Berounka river back to Prague. It is easy 32 km on flat terrain. If you change your mind you can get on the train (with bicycles) and return to Prague by train.

A train ticket is not included, the train leaves each 30 minutes.

• welcome briefing
• rental of a 21-speed bicycle
• a helmet
• a pannier (if required)
• a repair kit (per group)
• a cycling map (per group)
• the GPS console with the pre-recorded route (per Self Guide group)
• a water bottle
• AVE hot-line assistance service

Self Guided:
35 EUR standard bike
+ 15 Euro per booking (for GPS, maps,....)

  • if you leave bicycles in Karlstejn Village, an extra 10 EURO per bicycle to cover transfer fees will apply

Guided Group: price on request


This moderate 40km long route starts at AVE office Pod Barvirkou 6, Prague 5. You will leave Prague through one of the prettiest valleys called Prokopske Udoli. The first part of the route is mostly uphill but once you leave Pokopske Udoli and Dalejske Udoli, the terrain changes into a flat one. The route continues through several villages to Lodenice town. You can also start your tour at Stodulky metro station if you want to shorten your tour. An extremely nice and romantic part of the route starts at Lodenice. It is almost all downhill through a valley to the little village of Svaty Jan pod Skalou. (Saint John under the Cliff) with its abundance of natural scenery and historical landmarks. It is one of the most picturesque villages in the Cesky Kras national park. The village dates back to the end of the 9th century when, according to legend, the first Czech Christian hermit, Ivan, settled in a cave under a large cliff.
The last 1,5km follows the bank of the Berounka river to the village of Srbsko where you can get on a train to Prague or you can ride along the Berounka River to Prague (40 km – 25 miles). A train to Prague leaves Srbsko Railway Station every half an hour and it takes 47 minutes.

Departure: On working days from 1st April till 31st October.

For any questions send an e-mail to bookings@avetravel.cz

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