AVE Bike Tours    Along rivers

Along rivers


Two - three-hour cycling loop
Self Guided or Guided group tour for schools and other groups
Length 22-32 km
Grade of difficulty: Easy

Are you coming to Prague with your friends, classmates, a school group or maybe a company team? Let´s brighten your stay in this city with activities as a bicycle trip. This 2-3 hour long easy cycling loop is suitable for school classes, group of friends or company teams that can have it as a part of a team-building programme. We will take you along Vltava and Berounka rivers. During the tour, we will stop at a restaurant or refreshment point on the river bank. You will be surprised as a short way from the city is a beautiful natural oasis where your spirit can meditate.

• welcome briefing
• rental of a 21-speed bicycle
• a helmet
• a pannier (if required)
• a repair kit (per group)
• a cycling map (per group)
• the GPS console with the pre-recorded route (per Self Guide group)
• a water bottle
• AVE hot-line assistance service

Self Guided:
40 EUR standard bike
+ 15 Euro per booking (for GPS, maps,....)

Guided Group option: price on request

Departure: On working days from 1st April till 31st October.

For any questions send an e-mail to bookings@avetravel.cz

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AVE Travel - bicycle tours
Tvorba www stránek People For Net a.s.

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